I'm not going to say much about this except that:
A) This is sort of like a Europe-wide American Idol, but a little different.
B) The word on the internets is that this guy is going to win.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Tehehehehe. I love Europe.
Posted by
7:54 PM Permalink
The Republicans are Imploding. For Real.
Just check out our fellow blogger, Erick, at redstate.com:
The House Republican Leadership just does not get it and they will not take us seriously until we flex our muscle against them. We must fight the House GOP and we must fight today.
Today, I declare war on the Republican Leadership of the United States House of Representatives. We must scalp one member. That member's name is Ken Calvert.
That's right kiddies. Them's fightin' words, and straight out of the mouth of a Republican! Why has the Republican Civil War erupted? Surprise. It's not because of Bush.
Well, a little back story. See, one Republican dirt bag by the name of Rep. John Doolittle of Cal-i-forn-i-a had to leave his spot on the House Appropriations Committee because his house got raided by the FBI. Yep. That's right. So what do the Republicans do? THEY PUT ANOTHER SCUMBAG WITH BAD ETHICS IN HIS SPOT. Ahahahahahahahahahaha! It's kind of like Christmas, no?
Posted by
7:39 PM Permalink
As I realize I have been up all night...
...I'm pondering the possibility of what will happen if I don't finish this DAMN research paper. Do I have enough credits to graduate if I fail? Sheesh. It's hard to be this close... somebody serve me a glass of "whine." Thanks.
Posted by
2:49 AM Permalink