For all of you pervs who have crushes on Zac Efron, might I suggest you follow this link...
In case you don't know him:
He was in that thing called High School Musical. Don't know much else, except that he's the current "it" boy for tweeny girls. Teeheehee.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
He's so dreamy...
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4:03 PM Permalink
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Korea? Is that you I hear calling my name...
Wow. What a summer. Let's summarize.
Twenty-five interviews later, I have a job in Korea. Start date: Sept. 15th (ish)
Went down south to the motherland. Spent time with family. Little Lily Love is doing beautifully. She's got big bug eyes and a jumping fetish. Mom's got a gambling habit. Teresa's my new favorite sister. Dad's mom is dying. Dad's sad, and in his own words, "She was the only woman I ever loved."
Morgan and Mandy smoked the oblivion out of me. And their donkeys.
Sam came down to the mountains for Emily's big 21. We had a raucous time which included: a bad attempt at Salvia, a thunderstorm at a waterfall, and Emily puking at just the right moment, all over the sidewalk, next to the smokers who have been shoved outside by an unconscionable ban.
Dropped Mandy off in NYC to begin her new life of glam journalism. She can't afford New York, yet.
(Left my laptop in NY. I'll be back soon, baby.)
Almost gave up on life in Asia. Promptly got excited about life in Asia.
Reconciled with a dear friend.
Preparing to say goodbyes all over again.
Lesson learned: Never say goodbye prematurely.
I am in fact moving to the Junggye-dong area of Seoul. Which is next to the Nowon area of Seoul, which in my mind is like the Brooklyn of Seoul. What I've figured out: THERE IS NO BROOKLYN IN SEOUL.
I'm going to be teaching at a school that focuses on writing and speech. I've been told it's a specialized school, but then it occurred to me, when teaching English, when DON'T you focus on writing and speech? I guess in other jobs I would have been singing camp songs and having silly conversations all day, which sounded fine to me.
More to come. Promise.
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11:06 AM Permalink